I'm heading away for a few weeks holiday soon, which is great, but the other day I found myself thinking, 'Bugger, this is another thing I need to scrapbook'. :)
Not the right mindset.
So, I decided to Scrapbook on the Road, creating a mini-album that I will take with me, documenting the trip while I travel. I'll add the photos and finishing touches when I get home but much of it will be already done. I'm really excited about the idea - even got started that same evening.
My album is about 7in by 6in and definitely still a work in progress. Not sure what I want to do with the cover - I may add a photo after my trip.
Can you guess where I'm going?
I've always written in journals when I travel (tried to keep them up at least) but this trip I plan to just take this album so I'm including lots of pages for writing. I've also got envelopes and pockets that I can slip things into.
There is no real plan for this album, no set formula. As I make pages I have ideas of how I might use them - this one for journaling, adding some ephemura here, attaching a photo there - but it's really down to what I find, do and want while traveling.
Have you done something like this before?