Tuesday evening, after drinking one
last bottle of cider sitting on the floor of an empty living room, I locked the
front door and said goodbye to Yellow House.

Boyf and I spent the weekend
getting Yellow House ready to rent. We:
- painted the remaining four yellow rooms
- patched and painted nail holes and dints
- trimmed the back hedge down to knee height
- cut 5 foot off each of the conifers
- rehung the towel rail in the bathroom
- painted the trim in the bedroom
- replaced the clothesline
- planted out the gaps in the front and back yards
- covered the garden beds with tan bark
- took the fridge over to my sister's home, including
up three flights of stairs
- replaced the laundry taps
- fixed the kitchen door so it doesn't stick
- emptied the house of the last bits and pieces
The list doesn't even include all we completed. It was an exhausting weekend.

For many of the tasks, we couldn't help thinking we should have got them done months ago. Hindsight. Those last yellow rooms look so much fresher now.

A massive thanks to Mum who organised and hemmed the kitchen curtain, cleaned the oven and spent 5 hours clearing out the front garden bed. Incredibly grateful Mum!

As my footsteps echoed through the rooms Sunday
evening, Yellow House empty for the first time since the day I moved in, I
got a bit teary. Just thinking about the impact I've had on Yellow House in the
last 14 months, the changes I've made.
This was my first home. The first time I could pick paint colours and hammer in nails with abandon. Buy curtains and move curtain rails. Install a kitchen island bench. I'd ummed and ahhed over some of these decisions for hours.
No room is now the same as when I'd bought Yellow House; you'd even have to peek under the laundry sink to find any of the yellow. My changes are everywhere, yet I'm still wistful for what might have been.

I do want Yellow House to have someone
living there and appreciating it, and there may have been a little happy
dancing after Tuesday's meeting with the real estate agent when
I did some financial calculations, but I am sad that Yellow House will not truly
be mine anymore.

Goodbye Yellow House. It has been an
amazing 14 months.