Last weekend, on moving day, we were invited to attend a friend's 30th birthday party dressed up as our favourite Disney character.
While I'm not sure she truly is my favourite character, with the help of Mum, dressing up as the Wicked Queen seemed quite achievable.
'Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?'
Boyf was set with a Lightening McQueen (kids) costume that his brother already owned. He's sitting there with Chris, the Sorcerer's Apprentice.
We wondered whether that counts as cannibalism. ;)
Birthday girl Belle (in a dress she made herself) and little Tinkerbell were able to save the cake from Wreck it Ralph.
And they all lived happily ever after.
I was even able to whip up a birthday card before we headed off to the party. Luckily I'd already unpacked my paper and remembered I had a few Disney themed items tucked in there. Very handy!