As a member of the Mini club Boyf thought it only appropriate that I have a ride in a Mini. So, last Sunday we borrowed his Dad's 1968 Mini Deluxe and headed out for a drive.
It was the caption on a Hipstergram** (as Boyf calls it) photo from Jeremy Clarkson that gave Boyf the idea, asking when was the last time you went for a drive, not to go anywhere or do anything, just to enjoy the car. So that's what we did, heading up the windy road through St Andrews and King Lake.
**Boyf has been calling me his favourite little hipster since I got my new glasses.
It was a great day out - a beautiful sunny afternoon and we came across a cafe with delicious pizzas for lunch. Lots of talking, planning and laughing.
The D'luxe (apparently that model was named Deluxe as it came with windows that wound up and down) is a much loved car. Not cosseted or saved for special occasions, Boyf and his two brothers all learnt to drive in this car. His Dad's even offering it up for me to learn how to drive manual! The switches have been labelled with 'lift off', 'beacons', 'initiate combustion', 'asphyxia' and 'warp speed' which makes me laugh and, once you are in the car, it's surprisingly comfortable and roomy in the front seat.
Without a doubt the D'luxe has it's quirks - I needed instructions on how to close and open the passenger door and I wouldn't say the car started first time without a hitch - but I understand the appeal.
Thanks for the loan Ray. I think we'll be imposing on you again. :)