On Tuesday night after climbing friends Ben and Naomi surprised me with a birthday cake at dinner, complete with candles. Can't believe I didn't twig - the cake came in with us and they organised it with staff without me realising anything. I was delighted.
On Wednesday night I had a birthday dinner at Belle's Diner with Mum, Dad, Jenna and her boyfriend Darren. There were lots of presents.
On Thursday morning BoyF arrived home, his training course finally finished. That afternoon we attended our first potential wedding venue inspection/appointment together.
On Friday we headed off for a night in the Yarra Valley, stopping at the Yarra Valley Chocolaterie and Ice Creamery on the way. Yummy.
I found Gracedale accomodation searching online. Got to love a place that puts fresh roses in your room, but those views - wow.
For dinner Friday night we went to Stones of the Yarra Valley where we indulged in the 5 course tasting menu. Oh, it was delicious.
Saturday morning, after a cooked breakfast at our hotel, we headed to a winery for another wedding venue appointment before browsing some antique shops and stores in Yarra Glen. After lunch at Hargreaves Hill brewery, including an incredible chocolate brownie, we headed off for home.
A couple of wonderful, and necessary, indulgent days.