When I wrote my 30 Before 30 list Boyf was simply a friend; by the time I finished ticking of 30 While 30 goals he was my fiancee. (That still makes me go wow!) These 30 lists moved from something that was mine to something we largely do together. And I want to make that official.
Introducing, 30 Before Marriage.
A list of 30 tasks and goals that Boyf and I would like to complete before we get married on October 25, 2014. Some goals are directed at me, some at him, but many we'll do together. I'm pretty sure I could have filled the list entirely with wedding tasks, and there are a couple of those on there. But really, this list is about that little extra bit of motivation to try something different, start something new, to have fun.
Like always, I'll share the details of all the tasks here as we (hopefully) tick them off throughout the year.
1. Fly a kite.
2. Landscape our front yard.
3. Hold an engagement party.
4. Buy a new (to me) car.
5. Go climbing outside.
6. Take an after-work trip to the beach.
7. Cook a seafood dinner.
8. Fall in love with a wedding dress.
9. Get to Everest base camp - Boyf's heading off in April.
10. Use a recipe from each of our cookbooks.
11. Pick up three pieces of rubbish every day for two weeks.
12. Bake hot cross buns.
13. Volunteer time to a good cause.
14. Have fun at a water park.
15. Attend a summer twilight event.
16. Run 5km.
17. Watch a classic Australian movie.
18. Host a brunch.
19. Offer an online class, tutorial or set of downloads.
20. Give someone a handmade present.
21. Get the old 504 up running and registered.
22. Bake a dessert pie.
23. Have High Tea.
24. Make a piece of furniture.
25. Eat produce from our garden.
26. Have a weekend at the beach.
27. Enjoy Bucks and Hens parties in our honour.
28. Participate in a motor sport event.
29. Have cocktails on our deck.
30. Decorate the front yard with fairy lights for Christmas.