Making a few personalised 60th birthday cards with my Mum. It's pretty great giving handmade cards to someone who appreciates them so much she wants to do the same for others.
Eating Mum’s homemade tuna mornay. It was an exchange; we’ll make the cards Mum's after and she’ll provide dinner.
Packing for a weekend camping. Weather looks…cold but dry, until Sunday.
Watching scrapbooking process videos. I’m a little obsessed at the moment and the last couple nights have even snuggled down in bed with a video from Ali Edward’s Hello Story class playing on the iPad.
Considering signing up to a trial of Big Picture Classes. If I’m after process videos, seems like a good source.
Reading The Ceramics Bible: The Complete Guide to Materials and Techniques by Louisa Taylor.
Waiting to pick up my new pots. I arrived home feeling stressed on Friday after finishing my last class, having rushed to complete all my glazing which takes a lot longer than you’d expect. Hope they all turn out!
Contemplating a new business idea. Thinking, mulling it over. How does Pottswood Studio sound?
Laughing at a Facebook post from my sister-in-law: Things you feel you shouldn’t have to say to a toddler; ‘Stop drawing on your brother’s head with a texta’.
Remembering a story Mum tells of when I little; one nap time she comes in, thinking I'm too quiet, to discover I've scribbled all over the cot, wall and myself in permanent marker. A call to her Mum for advice on how to remove the marks, lots of scrubbing and finally it’s clean. She puts me down again for a nap, only to discover she'd left the marker within arms' reach and I scribbled everywhere all over again. ;)
Spruiking a sale on Simple Scrapper – 20% of 6 month memberships, available till the end of the month.
Disliking arriving home from work in the dark. We’re only days away from June; how did that happen?
Anticipating our holiday in warmer climes. Having dinner at an Italian restaurant last weekend, we started our dinner with a share plate of delicious cheeses. (Well, two delicious and one I thought tasted of dirty socks.) Cheese + Italy = Awesomeness.
Procrastinating completing any of the planning required for said holiday. Yet again. Planning definitely not my favourite.
Thanking my parents for their encouragement and support. They’re pretty awesome too.
Wishing my sister Jenna and her dude Darren good buying as they attempt to navigate the property market for the first time.
Feeling inspired with ideas for lots of projects I like to work on.
Wondering where the time goes. Thankful it's the weekend, but seriously where did the week (month!) go?
Blogging from my phone. That explains any weird formatting.