Today my little girl turned 18 months old. As a 'half birthday' we celebrated with half a cake, or 'cake-eee' according to Milly.
At 18 months old, Milly:
- is a delight to Mike and I on a daily basis.
- speaks over 40 different words, with a new word or two seeming to be added each day.
- is starting to speak two word sentences such as 'bye dog'.
- carries her handbag everywhere.
- loves to be helpful and beams when she is complimented for it.
- likes sharing, particularly her food. Feeding her Mum or Dad is great fun.
- is very observant. We're frequently amazed by how quickly she has picked up a behavior and copied it.
- loves to do the washing. Just mention the word and she is heading to the laundry.
- is very particular about books. Reading her bedtime stories, she wants the whole pile right there next to her and, if you read the wrong one, she'll close it on you and take it away.
- loves swimming and has even made a friend in her swimming class.
- gives the best hugs, snuggling her head right down in, but only if she feels like it.