I’m back at work now and definitely not ready to be. Not that this week is a difficult one - all alone in a very quiet office - as evidenced by this blog post, written at work. Also, I'm currently watching The Backup Plan on DVD too. (Much better than I thought it would be.) Definitely a hard day at work!
Although, all I have for lunch is a ham and mustard pickle favoured roll that I picked up from the bakery on the way to work. It doesn’t sound particularly appealing, plus there is no milk for a coffee. The food places at work are closed for another couple of weeks. I knew that but wasn't joking when I said I wasn't ready to head back to work.
Not that it really matters - I don’t have money to buy anything else anyway. The coins in my purse were carefully counted before I headed into the bakery this morning. All my bank cards expire at the same time – now. The new cards, authorisation phone numbers and pins are all sitting in a pile of mail on my bedside table, envelopes opened but that is as far as I got. Also in that pile of mail is the bills for my car registration and insurance. It's a little daunting, hence they are all sitting opened and yet unactioned. (Mum, if you are reading this - rego and insurance aren't due until the 21st so relax. I'm unorganised but not crazy.) Really should sort that all out tonight though - money situation is getting a touch dire.
See, I'm really not ready for it to be 2011 yet. I only took my 2010 diary out of my handbag this morning and my new one hasn’t made it in yet. Forget about all the birthdays being transferred over!
But, there is definitely one thing I am looking forward to this year, or at least the planning of because I don’t know if they have set a date yet. Yep, I’m talking wedding. Dave proposed to Liz on Boxing Day (the 26th), with a ring that she is rapt with so extra credit to him. I was quite chuffed to be her 4th phone call and am delighted that I am going to be a bridesmaid (again). They are a lovely couple that just seemed to suit each other so well from the moment they got together. I am so pleased for them and looking forward to sharing the big day with them.
I love weddings. Funny thing though - as an adult, I have been in the wedding party of all the weddings I have been invited to. Ok, that's only two but still. And now I'm taking the opportunity to gratuitously insert some photos of me in my bridesmaid finery, looking good I think. (Love makeup artists.)
The wedding of Nicole and Paul, 2006
The wedding of Lucy and Chris, 2009
Ok, in that last one I was actually Maid of Honour. That old saying, 3 times a bridesmaid, has me feeling the need to clarify that. This will be my 2nd time as a bridesmaid, not 3rd. (So there Chris of the 2nd wedding who felt the need to tease me the other day via text message. It's ok though - his wife Lucy whacked him for me.)
Crisis averted – my savings card is still working. I just walked to the supermarket to grab a snack and milk for tomorrow's coffee. The weather outside is gorgeous. Gorgeous. Nice and sunny but not hot. Trust that this weather occurs today, just when I have to go back to work and sit in an office all day. The guy at the supermarket commented on the weather – we really have been experiencing a ridiculously cold and wet summer - and sympathised with me. He agrees that the nicest weather is never when you have the chance to enjoy it. Mother Nature likes to taunt us.
The exception to our cold and wet summer - New Years Eve with a stinking hot 40+ degrees. I did make my first trip to the beach this summer though - a quick 15 minute stop on the way to celebrations at Lucy and Chris'.
How was that for a segue into New Years Eve? It was a great night, just the four of us talking, laughing, eating too much and drinking lots of mojitos.
The guys making mojitos.
Is that bottle empty? How did that happen?
I'm pretty sure he will hate that I posted a picture - he was hiding from my camera earlier. Hi Chris!
I was apprehensive to hand the camera over to Mike - late at night when I'm drinking generally isn't my best look - but I love this one. It's so accurate to how I was feeling that night. Smiling, laughing, not believing we were actually talking about what we were talking about. Alcohol makes for some interesting conversations. :)
And to cap off the night, at midnight there were fireworks. LOVE them. They were illegal and I know I shouldn't encourage them but I don't care. We heard the bursts and I was outside looking up in wonderment. Definitely something magical about fireworks.
It was a perfect New Years Eve.
And the New Years didn't get off to a bad start either, not with chocolate pancakes for breakfast. Thanks Lucy.